Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mamma Mia

Moms make the world go 'round. I think we all know this. Dads are great, but if it weren't for Moms, nothing would get done. They are organized, persistent, nurturing, and never lose their energy and focus. They make sure we are raised polite kids, who are prepared to take on the world. They keep their cool, even when we drive them crazy.

My Mom in 1956

My mom raised six of us. I don't know how she did it. And how she didn't drink alot. Somehow, we didn't break any bones, or kill each other.
Even though this was in the 70's, my mom had a $40 a week budget to use for groceries. For 8 people!!! Somehow, she made it stretch! Granted we ate a lot of Hamburger Helper.
My mom taught me to be tough, and take on life without being afraid. She pushed me to be better. She made me be a strong woman like her. She taught me to not give up. She always said to speak up, and speak my mind. I listened, mom!
Now, don't get me wrong, she also embarrassed the heck out of me too. Two times in particular stand out in my mind the most. Whenever we would go to a store, and I would wander off on my own, if she was ready to go, she would have me paged over the loud speaker!! Oh, how humiliating when friends were around.
Or the times when she would see a guy around my age, and introduce me to him by saying, "This is my unmarried daughter." Sigh. And she always wondered why I didn't bring guys over to meet her.

                                          My mom at 19 on her honeymoon. 1957

My mom was also my biggest supporter of anything I wanted to do. She urged me to move to Washington D.C. my sophmore summer in college to be a congressional intern. When I wanted to marry the man of my dreams, and move to California, she told me to make sure there would be a guest room for her to visit. In 2003 when I wanted to open a business, she is the one person who said, "I know you can do it." My mom taught me to love crafts of every kind. She was the first to introduce me to ceramics. I think she would be amazed at what has happened with the studio in the last 10 years. Moms deserve our thanks and respect for all they do.

Mom at 17. 1955
Mother's Day is just two weeks away. They only get one day a year to feel really special. This is our chance to tell, and show our Moms just how much they do for us, and how much they mean to us. Whether you buy Mom a nice gift, or a fancy dinner, I'll bet the most meaningful to many moms would be quality time spent with their families.
Happy Mother's Day!
I love you, Mom!

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