Monday, April 15, 2013

Why Oh Why?

A lot people ask us why it takes a week to fire their pottery. That's such a great question! And because we get it so frequently, we've posted a pictorial answer on our website. I thought I'd share it here as well.
The first reason is that we have several days of customers pieces ahead of you.
So, once you pick out, and paint your piece, you leave it with us for a week.

It has to dry for at least 24 hours before we can glaze it.

Each piece is marked by day so we can keep track of who did what when.
The viscoity of the glaze has to be measured each day, and it has to be perfect! More errors could come from the glaze than the kiln.
 We have to time the viscocity just so. Each piece is hand dipped one by one. At Christmas, ornaments are fun!

 The glaze is a strange bluish, green color. But, not to worry, your paint colors will shine through!

Once the glaze dries, 24 hours later, we have to touch up pieces for any missed spots.
Next, each pottery piece is place on its own stilt. (Bed of nails) This prevents it from sticking to the kiln shelves.

 The piece is then placed into the kiln on the stilt.

 24 hours later, when the kiln cools, you have your finished piece!

 We remove the stilt which can leave sharp edges from the glaze.
 We sand off those sharp edges smooth.
Then, your piece is ready for pickup!

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